import pLimit from 'p-limit'; const overpass_endpoint = ''; // Const overpass_endpoint = ""; //const overpass_endpoint = ""; async function get_road_length(insee_code) { console.log(`Getting data for INSEE:${insee_code}`) try { const res = await fetch( overpass_endpoint, { method: 'POST', headers: { Pragma: 'no-cache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', }, referrer: overpass_endpoint, body: 'data=' + encodeURIComponent(` [out:json]; area["ref:INSEE"="${insee_code}"]->.searchArea; way(area.searchArea); for(t["highway"]) { make stat "highway"=_.val, number=count(ways),length=sum(length()); out; }; out body; `), }, ); if (String(res.status)[0] !== '2') { console.error(`Error ${res.status}`); return; } const text = await res.text(); const json = JSON.parse(text); const data = json.elements; return => ({ type: road.tags.highway, count: Number(road.tags.number), // Len because I THINK js is making 'length' disappear in console.log // which drives me nuts len: Number(road.tags.length), })); } catch (error) { console.error(error); return undefined; } } // . const actual_roads_types = new Set([ 'motorway', 'trunk', 'busway', 'living_street', 'residential', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified', 'road', 'motorway_link', 'trunk_link', 'primary_link', 'secondary_link', 'tertiary_link', ]); async function get_data(node) { const roads = (await get_road_length(node.code)); if (roads === undefined) { console.log(`[\u001B[31m${node.code}\u001B[0m] ${node.nom} \u001B[0m`); return undefined; } else { const sum = => r.len).reduce((previous, curr) => previous + curr, 0); const filtered_sum = roads.filter(r => actual_roads_types.has(r.type)).map(r => r.len).reduce((previous, curr) => previous + curr, 0); // Km / point d'impot const ratio = (filtered_sum / 1000) / node.impots; console.log(`[\u001B[1;32m${node.code}\u001B[0m\u001B[1m] ${node.nom} : \u001B[1;33m${Math.round(filtered_sum / 1000)}km\u001B[0m of road for \u001B[1;33m${node.impots}%\u001B[0m impĂ´ts => \u001B[1;35m${ratio}\u001B[0m.`); return { ...node, road_length: filtered_sum, ratio, total_highways: sum, roads_data: roads, }; } } async function get_data_for_each(file) { const json = await Bun.file(file).json(); const limit = pLimit(6); const result = await Promise.all( el => limit(() => get_data(el)) ) ); const results_normalized = result.sort( (a,b) => Number(a.code) - Number(b.code) ); //console.log(results_normalized); console.log('\n==> Saving...'); await Bun.write(`./full-data_${file}`, JSON.stringify(results_normalized, null, 4)); console.log('==> Done.\n'); //for (const r of results_normalized) { // console.log(`[\u001B[1;32m${r.code}\u001B[0m\u001B[1m] ${r.nom} : \u001B[1;35m${r.ratio_normalized}\u001B[0m (${r.ratio})`); //} return result; } (async () => { await get_data_for_each('departements.json'); await get_data_for_each('arrondissements.json'); await get_data_for_each('communes.json'); // Get_road_length(91471).then(console.log) })();